Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Tire Toi by Elise Guihard

From June till September Élise Guihard has been active as artist in residence of the NAC Foundation. During the art event 'Wereld van Witte de With' in Rotterdam she created with Estelle Chaigne an interactive art installation. For more info check:

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Charmeuse Charlois by Beatrice Sarosiek

From January till June, Beatrice Sarosiek worked on an artistic interdisciplinary community research project in Charlois, Rotterdam. 

Charmoise Charlois is an interdisciplinary artistic project that weaves art, performance, urban planning, sociology, economics, but also different forms of making together to trigger a process of active participation in cultural and artistic production of the district. 

Monday, 1 April 2013